Three-level diode-clamped bridge converter is a good solution for high voltage and high power applications. However, the problem of excessive voltage stress is common in the switching on and off process of three-level inverter switch transistor. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, after analyzing the stress of three-level inverter switch tube, a switch tube drive protection circuit is proposed, and the three-level drive waveform is designed and optimized. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by experiments on a three-level inverter experimental platform.
杨鸽,郑嘉龙,杨珏,罗雨航.三电平逆变器开关管电压应力解决方案研究[J].四川电力技术,2021,44(4):80-84. Yang Ge, Zheng Jialong, Yang Jue, Luo Yuhang. Solution Research for Voltage Stress in Three-level Inverter with Switch Transistor[J]. SICHUAN ELECTRIC POWER TECHNOLOGY,2021,44(4):80-84.